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Rebels played only screams constantly,ray ban uk, have collapsed and died. Businesses Army pikemen were also seize this opportunity to fully clear attack on the city by the head of the rebel soldiers, although the head of the local city of narrow, businesses Army soldiers unable to form a gun array, but it is also a group of four or five people, conducted Volley Needling, collective operations as possible to form a local advantage. Head of the rebel attack on the city mostly Xuan Huang taught congregation, martial arts toms sale are very outstanding individuals, if it is one, is almost steady parade victory roll, and even caused a pair of second contest, a pair of three, also have a greater chance of winning, but in the face of such businesses army stab people together Volley together and never give way to dodge, so what is always thrusting, but also overwhelming.

Although this time brought grenades are thrown over, but apart from Cheongju city after the attack on the head of the rebels, businessmen from the city to keep the military, it is handy, under the command of Chenggang, but also good speed cloth bursts into three sections the formation of the rebel city under an organized attack, but also keep in pikemen Gunners side, ready to support. The city is also the head of the situation quickly stabilized. And killing the rebels have previously escape the Ming army, although I do not know where this is coming reinforcements, but see cheap ray bans a play on Chushoubufan, come immediately to reverse the situation, and therefore also to stabilize the mind, fled the also are turned back, throw it back to pick up weapons, they have all landed on the city wall, helping businesses Army defenders together.Soon, they were all back bare. At this time in command of the rebel siege of the cityalso angry, anxious, just siege was carried out smoothly, the soldiers are in the head after the attack on the city, seeing to the capture of the city of Suzhou, and longchamp sac suddenly from the city I do not know what the throw to first was bombing their own troops suffered heavy casualties, followed by continuous volley city head, just constantly playing their soldiers died down, back up. This is an attack so abruptly blocked down.

But now this step,ray ban sunglasses,unwilling so failed, so the troops after a brief consolidation, Ma Jinzhong immediately and ordered once again to attack the city of Suzhou. But now both sides by great mentality to reverse happened. Suzhou City into the military to defend the businesses, although only a thousand people, but that is quite a Wal-Mart, and one hit a floating light on reflexive battle, combat and ferocious superior firepower, no doubt to the original garrison city of Suzhou hit a shot in the arm, driven by businesses Army garrison emboldened greatly increased, a lot of courage but also sturdy, Ju Yi rebels also greatly reduced.