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Battle of the capital, explosive ! Songhu battle, the Japanese capture of Shanghai, the consideration paid exceeds the cheap ray bans expected, but three months after the death of Hua envisioned dream dashed. One kind of anxious haste makes waste, loss, anger spread among the Japanese. Thus, before the Battle of Nanjing is a group of almost crazy executioner launched ! Originally, according to the " fortress capital plan " developed by military members in 1935, the Japanese should not have come so soon, Battle of Nanjing and should not be started in the city of Nanjing.

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Corps left neighbor is Wang Jing -long 87 divisions, 88 divisions Cheap ray ban Sunglasses and Sun cheap louboutin shoes Yuanliang common defense Purple, Yuhuatai line, which is the ancient city of Nanjing will fight to keep the two positions, if these two places fall, the city of Nanjing will keep longer. Jiangmen is the gateway to northern miserable must pass through the land, in case you want to retreat, you must cross the river from here. Some emigration, military disposal ! November 11, 1937, Chiang Kai-shek second ** generals convened to discuss defense issues of Nanjing. At the meeting, almost all of its generals do not think sticking Cheap ray ban Sunglasses Nanjing.